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Top tips for a speedy move

When you decide you want to move house, it’s easy to want the process done and dusted as soon as possible. You want to be safely settled in your new home, all unpacked, with your feet up and enjoying a celebratory glass of fizz!


Estimates vary on what the ‘average’ length of time is for you to sell your home – but expect roughly four to six months from getting it on the market to moving day.


However, if you’re eager for a quick sale, what can you do to get things moving asap?


1 – Get things right before you hit the market. You don’t want buyers put off by mounds of clutter or DIY jobs that should have been done – you want the first people through the door to NEED to buy it. You may not fancy going so far as replacing your bathroom suite (though you should maybe consider it if it’s avocado green), but leaky taps, dodgy cupboard doors and holes in the wall should definitely be seen to. A lick of paint won’t go amiss either, and always helps to freshen up the look and feel of a house. If you need to find somewhere to put your clutter or to give you room while DIY takes place, self storage can be a great help as a temporary place to keep everything you don’t really need day-to-day.


2 – Make sure your estate agent is on the ball. Ask for recommendations from friends and neighbours, and look at which homes in your local area seem to be selling the quickest. As with all things – cheapest does not mean best, and don’t be pressured in terms of the price to put your property on the market at. Do your research. If it’s too high you might not get the people you want coming to take a look round.


3 – Stage the show. When people come to take a look at your house, you want to sell a lifestyle to them. The old trick always used to be to create wonderful, homely smells by having coffee brewing and fresh bread baking, but that looks pretty obvious! Ensure the ambience is right, the rooms smell fresh and aired, lights are on, and make sure pets are safely out of the way. Offer information and hints and tips on the local area which may appeal to the potential buyer – but leave them in peace if they’d rather look round without a commentary.


4 – Pick the best buyer. It’s always tempting to take the highest offer, but if speed is important to you, choose those without a chain or in the best position. Watch out for offers from people who still have a house to sell before they can buy yours – that could take months. There’s a lot to be said about gut feel, and if you get the impression a buyer might give you the run around, you may be correct. You don’t want delays or last minute changes of heart, putting you back to square one.


5 – Be helpful and insistent. Being organised is vital for the sale process itself. Make sure you sign documents and respond to any requests as soon as you can and check in with your solicitor for regular updates. Communicate that you’re keen to get the process completed as soon as possible. Make sure all the finances are lined up as early as you can. Work with the buyer to find convenient times for surveyors and other parties to come round. Book in your removals company as soon as possible, so you know you have one secured.


Follow those steps, and you’ll be moving before you know it!


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Need advice? Call our friendly team today on 0113 262 4111.

Britannia Turnbulls of Leeds